About Me

— Ana Trishi, American Author, Art Collector & Sensuous-Living Lifestyle Coach
Hola! I'm Trishiana, pen name Ana Trishi, a visionary writer, sensuous living coach, and art collector devoted to empowering women through "SENSUOUSITY," an integrated approach to self-empowerment and sensuous enhancement. As a woman, I have faced similar challenges, juggling numerous roles as an outcast, lover, wife, mom, entrepreneur of several successful businesses, community activist, educator, solo traveler, and now, a single woman pursuing my own mission. I discovered my sensuality was evaporating in the mist of serving everyone except myself. "SENSUOUSITY" isn't just about physical pleasure with your partner/s. It's about you serving you, listening to your body, directing your mind and holistic journey encompassing mind enhancement techniques, how to listen to your body, emotional release, and raising your spiritual vibrations while nurturing your well-being, and celebrating feminine happiness. Through my personal coaching, books, and journals, I aim to empower women to use their total feminine powers and create the life they deserve.
Ana Trishi

Ana Trishi

American Author, Art collector and Sensuous-Living lifestyle coach.
Ana Trishi, an esteemed author renowned for her evocative storytelling and profound insights into the human experience, channels her passion for literature and knowledge across diverse genres. Raised in the serene Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, her early fascination with human complexities birthed an insightful journey, leading her to craft emotionally charged narratives that transcend time and space. With degrees in Psychology and Guidance and a Master's in Public Administration, Ana delves deep into human behavior and societal structures. Her literary prowess spans thought-provoking non-fiction, therapeutic child development books, and transformative women's journals, showcasing her versatility and unwavering dedication to the evolution of women's natural healing and empowerment. Ana's empathetic guidance empowers women to listen to their natural inner voice for guidance, leaving the influence of outside distractions and co-dependency to make them happy. As an advocate for growth, She hosts private tropical healing retreats in Santa Marta, Colombia, fostering safe spaces for inner exploration, self-discovery & transformation. Ana's work inspires countless souls on their paths, illuminating the transformative force of embracing self-awareness. Through her writing and coaching, she navigates readers toward self-realization, aiming to bridge the conscious with the subconscious, the physical with the mental, and the emotional with Spirit. It's all about manifesting your deepest desires for happiness and shedding the old self. Additional books written by Ana Trishi & extended bio can be reviewed on Amazon and Amazon Kindle. If you have a subject you would like to explore with her, by all means, be sure to email, sensuous-living@gmail. Or WhatsApp Trishiana @ 57 316 4044600. Books Published on Amazon. Digital copies are available for purchase on this site. Check my store. Sensuous Women Transformational Journal, Sensuous Women Birthday Journal, Reflections From the Self, Journal, Tropical Healing Retreat, Journal, Lifting the Veil, Secrets of the Sensuous Woman Series Sensuous Women in the Bible: Prophecies Fulfilled Through the Men They Loved. Art of Collecting, Savvy Beginners Guide, Spanish & English Embracing Diversity, Celebrating LGBTQ Plus Identity Donald J Trump, America’s Poster Child for What Money Can Not Buy Color Me Please, Neo Pop Coloring Book, Spanish & English Caribbean Line Art Coloring Book, Spanish & English (Moments of Healing: A Woman’s Guide to Thrive in Life & Love), Free on Sensuous-Living site. See you at the retreat where we will delve more deeply into the essence of womanhood and its empowerment.